The ES-6025 is a thermally improved pressure glazed curtain wall system with 2 1/2” sightline and 6” mullion depth. This system is compatible with the following swing doors: ES-9000, ES-21, ES-35 and ES-50.
Designed for the USA market
System Description
Frame depth: 6”.Sightline frame: 2 1/2”.Outside glazed.Shear block construction.Captured verticals and horizontals, or SSG vertical mullions and captured horizontals.Designed for 1” insulating glass, with 1/4” spandrel glass adaptor.U-value: 0.44.
Open horizontal available for ease of installation.Anodized, painted or wood grain finishes available.Variety of accessories including perimeter anchors, pocket fillers, joint plugs, etc.Integral door adaptor.EPDM isolator gasket.90° outside corner adaptor.Integrated vents.
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